Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rest in Peace dear friend

It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Laker Larry. Thank you for your friendship, your words of wisdom (peanut butter) and your laugh. We'll drink a toast to you around the fire when the ice once again melts off the lake and the trout boil it's surface - in the heart of Algonquin Park.

- the Splake Hunters

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Splake Hunters 2011

See previous blog entry for names. Missing is Laker Larry and Black Bean. Dunk-a-Lew, Lunch Box and Spear were MIA as well. Thanks to all for another memorable trip and hope to see you next year!


back row: Tight Line, Brent Giant, Wrong Way, front row: Doctor O, Stinger, Fast Eddie and Strider

This year's winner is...

One of these guys... hard to tell which, they both are holding tightly onto the trophy (not to mention holding tightly to each other) Seriously, Fast Eddie is the winner this year! Congrats bro!

2nd place winner

Tight Line scores big again this year. (that's a lighter, btw... but definitely NOT for smoking)

3rd place winner

Keeping it all in the family, Stinger wins 3rd place. Well done Stinger! (We managed to get him back to civilization in time for his rabies shot) Luckily there was no full moon this year at camp.

4th place winner

Yes, Strider managed to win an award on his first year out. Good work Strider!

Around the fire

We spent most nights close to the fire, but the last night I trolled the main lake with Tight Line. My flashing lure didn't attract fish, but it was better then being feasted on by black flies back at camp.


Did they really eat those trout? Are they just pretending to eat them? Hmmmm.

Saturday Storm

You can just tell how much fun Strider is having.

Doctor O to the ER, STAT!

Sadly, they all died on the table, but they were delicious.

Stinger gets one!

Here is Stinger proudly holding the first trout he caught in his life!

Ol' wet legs tells a story

We rescued Laker Larry from a swamped canoe just off the shore of our camp. Cold, wet, bewildered and visibly shaken, we administered first aid in the form of a mug of rum. He eventually came around and started blaming his relatives for his lack of paddling skills. We all silently nodded in agreement with smirks on or faces.

Laker Larry struggles to remain afloat

Is that Laker Larry the accomplished canoeist calling for help just off our shore? Apparently this is an historic moment. "I never swamped in over 40 years on the water", he grumbled.

Solo paddle

Doctor O searches the pollen clouded waters near camp for a good place to drop line.

Tasty fish... so juicy sweeeeet

Towards the end of our trip, Strider came down with a case of bush fever and proceeded to eat everything in camp. We tried to avoid eye contact with him. Strangely, he chirped like a dolphin during this time.

Honey Hole

Tight Line shows us how it's done. We were followed to this secret location by Fast Eddie and a Royal British bloke who thought it incredibly funny when we were hanging backwards off the beaver dam while trying not to capsize during a snag retrieval.

Adding to our carbon foot print is fun!

The smoke did little to keep the black flies at bay, but we did manage to cook some cinnamon apples and brie filled pears.

Doctor O notices Strider

One days haul

Not only the black flies were biting this year! The mirror surface of the lake easily revealed where the bait fish were being hunted because the surface boiled as they made their escape. We moved in and captured the hunters. When we put them on a stringer beside the canoe, the bait fish returned to nibble their captured tails.

Doctor O 's supper

Yes, fried spam and a fish cake. When Wrong Way and Doctor O were kids they were involved in a horrible taste bud destroying accident.

Fast Eddie waits for supper

Do I detect a little sadness in those eyes?... oh, wait! ... he just saw what's on the menu.

Wrong Way special... mmmm

Yes, that's scrambled eggs folks! Impossible, but true! What made it worse is that Wrong Way asked me why I wasn't eating them... ah, hmmm, (I point to the lake) is that a fish jumping over there? (I then quickly dumped the charcoaled eggs into the camp fire)

Gulp... looks like it's supper time

The camp cook, Wrong Way, hauls in the "cooler" full of the raw materials he uses to brew up his culinary experiments. Is it just me or does "corn pancakes" make you want to go back to bed?

Fast Eddie - This Years Champion

Seen here with his trophy fish caught off shore near camp. He madly paddled after us and calmly asked if we caught anything, we mumbled noooo. Then he proudly holds up this massive trout and our jaws dropped. Giggling, he wasted no time paddling miles down the lake to repeat this scene at Laker Larry's camp.

Looks harmless enough eh?

Looks are deceiving, this tangle of roots managed to trip up first Strider then Tight Line, both did face plants in the dirt. Wrong Way was later toppled twice by two different sets of boulders in the camp. Like a turtle on it's back, Wrong Way needed rescuing.

Rite of passage

Yes, every new angler gets a name and in order to earn that name he needs to... well the secret initiation rituals will remain just that... secret!

Stinger and Strider

Teamwork! These guys worked well together and had a friendly competition to see who could catch the most fish. This was Strider's first time out.

Fresh off the hook...

Fast Eddie gets the honor of tasting the first trout caught this year. We didn't even have time to unpack the frying pan!


How many anglers does it take to remove a hook from a fish?

An award winning angler - Tight Line

Seen here in a fish like trance... he often can be seen gazing blankly out over the water. What he has forgotten about how to fish can fill a book.

Strider is not to be messed with!

With a tinge of red hair, this scrappy angler can turn on you in an instant! We all learned to tread lightly around him. Oh, and don't comment on his hat.

Let the battle begin!

Stinger was quick off the mark, he was trying to capture the prize for the most fish caught. This time he had serious competition from his brother Strider.

It's the real thing...

Coke! ... and plenty of it. One of the many staples consumed in vast quantities at camp.

Stinger's pet

No, he didn't just step out of the shower, Stinger is wearing a bug hat. These hats saved our lives on many occasions.

Our little friends

Adult females have mouthparts modified for biting and blood feeding... don't we know it!

After a short, wet paddle in...

May 19th, 2011 - we landed in the rain, but the weather cleared quickly to an eerie calm. If you listened closely, you could hear the distant drone of a billion black flies coming for a snack.